Comments on: Why I am a feminist and supporter of LGBT rights Hues may vary but humanity does not. Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:31:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Preeti Joddabge Wed, 15 Oct 2014 06:31:09 +0000 That’s the greatest thing i ever read Soorya Sir. Proud to know that there are people who believe in pure equality of “Humans”. This has always made me question as to why, being humans, people are treated on the basis of what they believe in or on what they are. You are absolutely right , being feminine doesn’t make a person turn into female. I don’t understand what people find funny in feminism. Its only a long tradition of narrow minded thoughts of the people carried on from generations. People call me manly for riding a motorcycle to college. Imagine how stupid that sounds.

I am also working with a non profit organisation named “Jigyaasa Educational Trust ” which emphasize in spreading knowledge among st the avoided sections of children. It gives me great pleasure and satisfaction when the kids wait for our comeback. Their happiness is the most satisfactory reward we receive all the time.

Yes even i am a feminist and a supporters of LGBT rights
Coz they have the right to live the way they want and love the one they love

People like you have my support. Looking forward for more of it 🙂
God Bless You
Lots of love and respect

By: Velu Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:04:05 +0000 Thanks Soorya for sharing your life experience. We need more folks who can be empathetic to others suffering. Kudos!!

By: Geeta Charusivam Wed, 27 Aug 2014 10:09:11 +0000 Wonderful Soorya, A very touching and personal account of your growing up years. It is really sad that children can also be very cruel to their peers. And opening up and talking about it on a public platform shows that you are bold now.

This reminded me of the current trend of caste discrimination faced by children from Dalit – Adivasi backgrounds. Caste has become more pervasive in rural schools in northern Tamil Nadu now. Children from dominant castes, which are considered to be backward themselves as per brahminic religion, assert their caste superiority over Dalit and Tribal children at every opportunity, by flaunting their caste credentials openly.

Humans are so easily led by foolish, irrational beliefs and claims, it’s hard to believe that they can be so gullible. As you said, the Just World theory operates in all of us to some extent. And it is only when we learn to look critically at our fond beliefs or ideals, that it starts crumbling like a pack of cards.

Great job Soorya, way to go.

By: Subeesh Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:26:57 +0000 Hi ..Really superb & Brave

By: prema Mon, 25 Aug 2014 05:40:13 +0000 superb soorya… what a wonderful honest and well written piece…. way to go soorya.. way to go.. wishing you all the very best….
