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  1. I can relate, for Indians South Indians especially its all about conformity to social norms.
    If you don’t conform you are met with lectures,emotional blackmailing,poojas,prayers,advice,examples or whatever else they can think of. And although I do understand that it’s just that this is all they know its sad that they don’t care about the child’s happiness rather they are worried about what the world will think. They have told me that they would rather have a straight dead daughter than a gay alive happy one. It hurts knowing that they don’t love me for me but instead love a made up idea of me. sorry for this rant but all this to say thank you for the poem butterfly boy it truly helped me today and I hope that one day you can find the strength in your heart and understanding in the heart of your parents

    1. Thank you, I am glad it helped. I understand where you come from, I too am from a very conservative family. I remember the time I was going to join college, my parents made it a point to tell me to stay away from ‘those kind of people’ as they put it. They make it a point to actively evade the subject of homosexuality, to change channels, whenever somthing comes up. I don’t even know how this conversation is going to go, but all I can do now is just hope some how they manage to understand, I hope the pieces I write contain snippets of my emotions that can some how reach them and convince them, and make them understand. All I can do now is hope. I hope things go well for you too.

  2. That was so heart shattering that one has to go through a lot to finally love the one of their choice, it is indeed not a choice but LOVE which has no boundaries and GENDER.
    Being an Indian girl, i too have (am) facing the same situation, quite easy to say but we only know about the sleepless nights questioning ourselves, with tear-less cries and struggling to embrace who we actually are, just because of people who have defined love.
    I am so glad that you had shared your thoughts with us and also not closeting it either because it internally kills us.