Indian Psychiatry’s Continuing Fascination with treating Homosexuality
Dr. Anirudh Kala’s reflections on Indian psychiatry’s chequered relationship with homosexuality and conversion therapies.
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Dr. Anirudh Kala’s reflections on Indian psychiatry’s chequered relationship with homosexuality and conversion therapies.
The recent expose of Delhi’s “conversion therapy” racket highlights the substandard quality of medical practitioners in India and their lack of understanding of mental health science.
Letter informing Dr Raju, General Secretary, Indian Psychiatric Society, that homosexuality is not an illness that needs to be classified and managed.
Drs. Rao and Jacob, in their editorial ‘Homosexuality and India’ in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry (2012), question unethical and unwarranted attempts at conversion therapy and call for physicians to provide medical service with compassion and respect for human dignity for all people irrespective of their sexual orientation.