Poem: Age 7
A poem about childhood abuse and trauma
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
A poem about childhood abuse and trauma
I lived in Chennai, India, for 23 years. I’ve never been in the closet. Well, not really. I’ve always been butch — short hair, boys’ clothes, a gentleman’s manner, and of course, a way with the ladies. But in India, not being in the closet doesn’t necessarily mean being out of it.
RJ Balaji’s Tamil podcast on how gender roles oppress women, with English translation by Orinam member KMRamki
I ask not for the sun or the moon, A dutiful son will not deny a mother her boon
Isn’t it hypocritical of Indian men to celebrate Raksha Bandhan on one hand and perpetuate violence against women on the other?
‘Colours of Sexuality’, a three-day Chennai queer film festival organized by the Goethe-Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan in partnership with local groups Chennai Dost and Orinam, concluded Sunday, June 17,2012.
The temple city is all set to become the 10th Indian city to celebrate LGBT rainbow pride festival aimed in bringing visibility to alternate sexuality and gender identity issues.
Playwright and performer Deen shares his story in this truly amazing video. Deen is a transman of South Indian origin.
Dharun Ravi and his father Ravi Pazhani are from two different worlds. Is Dharun’s alleged homophobia a result of cultural conflict between these two worlds?
The Supreme Court on Thursday referred to sculptures of Khajuraho to emphasise that gay sex was not an offence before the British enacted the IPC in 1860.