DesiGirl says It Gets Better
A simple yet powerful It Gets Better video by Destiny aka DesiGirl58.
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
A simple yet powerful It Gets Better video by Destiny aka DesiGirl58.
Pramada Menon writes about her 20-year journey into queer activism and breaking the silence around gender and sexuality. The article has been reproduced with permission from TARSHI’s magazine In Plainspeak.
The LGBT ‘movement’ in india is about 15+ years old, has spread beyond the handful of metro cities, is staggering in its diversity of peoples who are accommodated within, and, the frequency of LGBT related events and happening around the country is increasing exponentially. Also, certain LGBT experiences which were ubiquitous a couple of decades ago, have all but disappeared. Hence it might be time to start thinking about an LGBT archive in India.
Historic United Nations report documents widespread discrimination and violence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people worldwide, and calls on countries to apply the international legal framework to end these human rights violations.
Forced marriages of LGBT people are as unethical as child marriage, and resisting such marriages requires precisely the sort of courage that these girls from Purulia demonstrated.
This gender-river has been flowing through since time immemorial and every generation has its share of folks testing the waters.
Transgender rights activists from different parts of India speak candidly about their life, love and relationships. Produced and directed by Chennai based activist Kalki Subramaniam.
Pune will host its first Pride march on Sunday, December 11, 2011, becoming the ninth city in India to have such and event.
United States Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made reference to the Naz judgement and the tenet of inclusiveness as an underlying theme of the Indian constitution in her historic address on LGBT rights at the United Nations.
“We need to fight all out against all institutionalized oppressions of human right to freedom of choice and self-expression – unabashed, without any compromise and fear” says Anis Ray Chaudhuri, in response to Neel’s “A Critique of Pride”. Read the full post.