LBT – orinam Hues may vary but humanity does not. Tue, 05 Mar 2019 01:35:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 LBT – orinam 32 32 Response to Law Commission of India on Uniform Civil Code Tue, 05 Mar 2019 01:25:38 +0000 The Law Commission  of India had prepared a report on “Uniform Civil Code” in 2018. Prior to this, they had asked for submissions from civil society towards the feasibility and possibility of the UCC. Women’s groups engaged in this debate for many years and so many submissions were made seeking gender equality in laws related to family via the secular laws or religious laws.

Taking this as a possible way of also tabling the issues around family laws faced by queer people, some of us, queer feminist LBT* activist individuals and organisations also made a submission to the LCI in July 2018. Our recommendations attempt to expand and alter the notion of family and also flag some issues arising out of the NALSA judgement. We share these here to broaden the debate and welcome comments and discussions on these issues with others.

July 10, 2018


Law Commission,
Justice Dr. B S Chauhan

 Subject: Response to Law Commission on Uniform Civil Code

We are a group of feminist organisations and individuals who have been working with lesbian and bisexual women and trans persons and are also part of the larger women’s rights movements in the country. Details of our work and backgrounds are attached with this letter.

Many of us have been part of discussions and debates on gender justice in family laws. We have all been working with communities that do not usually get covered by the ambit of family laws, and yet who get affected directly by laws around inheritance, custody and adoption of children, which are directly under the purview of personal laws.

In the last few years, there have been many debates around different assertions of gender and sexuality in society and very often in the courts as well. The latest judgement that has given relief to a large number of citizens and which is hailed as a landmark ruling is the verdict given by the Supreme Court in April 2014 in NLSA vs Union of India and ors. In this verdict the Supreme Court upheld the right of “transgender persons right to self-identified gender” and directed “the Centre and State governments to grant legal recognition of gender identity such as male, female, or third gender.” It also directed the Central and State Governments to take measures to safeguard their fundamental rights.

In this judgement the esteemed court looked at and referred to some of the Yogykarta Principles and said that “ Principles . . .  including Yogyakarta Principles, which we have found not inconsistent with the fundamental rights guaranteed under the Indian Constitution, must be recognised and followed, which has sufficient legal and historical justification in our country.

We would like to highlight in the context of the debate and enquiry on the Civil Code or on laws related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, custody and guardianship Principle 24 of these Yogyakarta Principles.

PRINCIPLE 24. The Right to Found a Family

Everyone has the right to found a family, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Families exist in diverse forms. No family may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of the sexual orientation or gender identity of any of its members.

States shall:

a) Take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure the right to found a family, including through access to adoption or assisted procreation (including donor insemination), without discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity;

b) Ensure that laws and policies recognise the diversity of family forms, including those not defined by descent or marriage, and take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no family may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of the sexual orientation or gender identity of any of its members, including with regard to family-related social welfare and other public benefits, employment, and immigration;

Since the Law Commission is looking at issues related to Uniform Civil Code, we use this context to give suggestions for changes within family laws so that justice is done to all citizens of this country and the mandate of the Supreme Court verdict is also adhered to.

Our submissions can be classified under two heads.

  1. Issues in family laws that have cropped up since the Supreme Court recognised genders beyond male and female and also that self identification is the way to determine a person’s gender.
  2. Issues arising especially with respect to key decisions and choices in lives that are not approved by natal families.

Collectively, we have a vast pool of experience in both these areas and we explicate below our concerns and our specific requests for inclusion in the laws related to the personal and the family. These are essentially insights that we have gained as part of our larger struggle for getting equal rights for all citizens of this country.

1. Issues related to Transgender persons’ rights in existing laws:

As soon as gender identities are recognised, there are issues that come up in the context of family laws and we would like to highlight them and request you to address them in your report on the civil code or family laws as the case may be.

The family is an institution where the gender roles are well defined and laws reflect some of these notions of gender practice at the level of the family even today. All our family laws clearly identify a person by their gender. It could be in terms of differential inheritance for sons and daughters, or it could be different clauses as reason for divorce for husband and wife, or it could be ability or inability to be declared guardian of the child.

When there are such clear directions based on the gender of the person concerned, there obviously arises the question of what happens if the person’s identity is neither man nor woman? Also if the person chooses a gender identity that is different from what they have been assigned at birth then how do these criteria affect their other rights and responsibilities in their familial roles? We urge you to look at the following incidents which are all concerns of people that we have been in touch with.

1A. Issues related to marriage and divorce:

Marriage is defined as possible between a man and a woman within all laws. Even though Hindu law speaks of marriage between two persons, it actually throughout speaks of husband and wife thus assigning specific genders to the two persons in marriage. The SC verdict says that people can self identify as “either male, female, or transgender/third gender”. All people today are assigned either male or female at birth and so the self identification means that at some point a person might self identify in a gender different from that which they were assigned. This creates some issues around marriage laws.

a. Two people are married under any personal law or the Special Marriage Act. If at some point in their marriage, one of them self identify as a gender different from the one they were at the time of marriage, with full consent from their spouse, and if they want to continue to live together in the marriage, how would their rights as a couple to be recognised as parents of children, to being considered as family in any employment or insurance or property related right be protected?

V and A married under the Hindu Marriage Act and now have a child. V has transitioned from male to female with the consent and full knowledge of the spouse A. V and A plan to stay together and remain married, and raise their child together. They are worried about the legal validity of their marriage if V changes her legal gender to female, in accordance with her physical transition.

b. In our reading of the law if a person self identifies a gender within the binary (that is  if they were assigned male at birth but self identify as female or vice versa), they shall be considered a man or a woman and hence can get married under the law. This needs to be clearly stated so that people access formal systems of marriage and do not suffer because they did not register their marriages formally. We give below a recent case of a trans man and his wife who suffered because he did not get the required legal protection of the law and the family to survive through their differences.

C, a trans man ,was in love with a woman H. He proposed to her and she married him with full knowledge of the fact that he was a trans man. Both their families knew about this marriage and relationship. Post marriage, C went through his transition surgery in the same hospital where he worked with his wife nursing him. The couple also went in for IVF to get a child but were unsuccessful. C supported his wife’s family financially and also helped her set up a beauty parlour. Through this whole period they did not register their marriage. Subsequently, H fell in love with a cis man. Her family started dissuading her from keeping her relationship with C and also taunted C for not being a ‘real man’. C and H separated. One day C went to meet H in her beauty parlour to ask her to restart the relationship, she firmly refused. In frustration C doused himself in petrol and lit a fire right there and died a week later.

c. What are the provisions for a transgender person who wishes to marry a cis man or a cis woman? We know of many instances of such marriages especially of hijras marrying cis men and unable to register these as marriages. Some have even tried to do so and failed.

1B. Issues related to inheritance:

In some of our existing laws there is a differential treatment between sons and daughters of a family and also difference between male and female relatives. The question that transgender persons are asking today is that in case they transition, will their inheritance rights change as per these laws? Also if they identify a gender different from male and female then what will be their inheritance rights?

The same person cannot have different rights because they identify in a different gender. The debate here for us is not of identifying the “true” gender of the person and giving them rights as per that.

As we understand this is actually a case for demands for gender equality in all laws, a demand that has been raised by women’s groups and women’s rights advocates for a long time. We believe that self identification of gender actually unravels before us the social construction of gender. In a secular democratic country where the Constitution assures no discrimination based on sex, such differential laws do not make sense.

So we hope that all inheritance laws are made equivalent and irrespective of the genders of the persons in the familial relationships.

1C. Issues related to Adoption:
Adoption and guardianship laws are also gender dependant. This affects the rights of those who already have children prior to their transition and also those who wish to adopt children. In recognising the full civil rights for transgender persons, right to adoption and guardianship is an important aspect that needs to be looked at.

As per the new CARA guidelines and changes within the J J Act, a man cannot adopt a girl child while a woman can adopt a boy child. How does this clause apply to trans men and trans women? What about a person who identifies as transgender or third gender? Can they adopt a child of any gender?

Again as in the case of inheritance, we think that the law should not be gender dependant. If there is fear of CSA and the redressal for CSA under POCSO is gender neutral, this clause makes no sense at all. We urge that the adoption guidelines be made gender neutral.

To conclude, all of the above situations arise from the fact that currently in India we have recognised the fact that people can self identify a gender different from the one assigned to them at birth. At the same time along with male and female, there is recognition of other genders as well. This immediately suggests that a number of laws need to be altered or formulated afresh so that an already neglected and marginalised community of people gets full access to rights as citizens within the country.

We understand that most of the family laws are religion based and there may be a problem in amending all of them to take into account these realities. Changes within the special marriage act to accommodate some of these concerns and also making of secular inheritance and adoption laws accessible to all citizens irrespective of the religion that they are assigned at birth, in our opinion seems to be the way in which many of these dilemmas can be addressed.

2. Issues related to key decisions in lives not approved by natal families.

In the work that we do, and in many of our lives, we find that our support systems and care networks are very different from our natal families. Often when people make choices in their lives that are distinct from those that their families want them to make, they make support systems that draw upon others not necessarily the natal family. This could be friends, other people like them, or other community spaces like the hijra households. In case of those assigned female at birth this happens more often since parents and even the State often see unmarried “daughters” as incapable of taking decisions about their lives.

We have many instances of how families control people’s lives in multiple ways. From the point of view of families, it is done in the notion of looking after the welfare of the adult person concerned but in effect it means being the medium to impose societal ideas of normative gender and sexuality. The methods used are often very harmful and very difficult for those who resist and get out and assert their choices.

When a trans man started expressing his gender identity and dressing as a man his family thought he had been possessed by a demon and took him to the local exorcist. He stayed with this exorcist for days and was sexually abused, often to the point of losing consciousness. The exorcist even offered to marry him. Realising how wrong the entire situation was, he ran away and returned home, where his parents weren’t happy to see him. They forced him to wear a burkha and locked him inside a room for months. The situation was such that, he had to run away from his natal home.

R is a single child of her parents. She is in her late twenties and from a town in Assam. She works as an assistant professor in a college. Her father is the principal of the college. Her family has recently come to know about her sexual orientation as a bisexual woman. She is constantly kept under surveillance. Her father has setup a CCTV camera in her room. She is forced to hand over her entire salary to her father as soon as she receives it. She encounters mental torture from her natal family members every day. We have found out about this person recently and she is still in contact.

A woman X and a trans* person Y, both taxi drivers were in a deep friendship with each other. Their messages were intercepted by X’s family. She had to run away from home and started living with Y. Due to the pressure of the family she even gave a statement to the police that she had run away. Within a few days the family came and abducted her back with full support of the police. They confiscated all her papers, her certificates, her driving license and kept her under house arrest. She managed to run away and come back but the organisations supporting her had to fight a hard battle with the police and the family to get all her papers back so that she could continue to drive her taxi and live independently with her friend.

G was a 22 year old trans person who was assigned female at birth. G wanted to start their medical transition but their parents did not support them through this. They managed to get some organisation’s support and approached a doctor. The doctor, however, also refused saying that they could not start any procedure including administering of hormones without the parents’ permission. Feeling helpless G jumped off a four storey building and killed themselves. This is a case from May 2018.

These are just a few of the many examples that we have come across of the nature of family violence against people asserting their gender and sexuality related choices. They are subjected to many punishments like physical and mental abuse, sexual abuse, corrective rapes, humiliation, house arrests, denial of education and other entitlements, disinheritance from property, abandonment and neglect, forceful medical corrections like ECT and administering of harmful drugs, forced marriages and pregnancies, and many more.

Many people do not manage to get enough support to survive all this and build a life of their choice. Either they succumb to live lives dictated by others or are forced to end living. Some of us do manage to survive through this all and make a life for ourselves with the help of others, often people in similarly precarious life situations as themselves. These others who are the support structure, however, do not have any legal recognition.

Hence, at some point of vulnerability like a bout of physical or mental illness or any other crisis, the natal family steps in to take decisions and force these on the person while completely denying the established support structure to be involved in this decision making. This is often in violation of what the person themselves may choose.

Two persons lived together for six years. At a time when one of them went through a mental breakdown partly due to their family’s disapproval of their life, the family swooped in forcibly taking decisions about health care and separated the two. It took many friends and supporters and a lot of negotiation with the hospital authorities and the family to be able to assert the fact that the two people were living with each other consensually and that it was unjust to do this separation.

A trans man and his partner lived together for three years. The woman partner had a child while they were together and they both brought the child up together. On the sudden death of the woman, the trans man had to struggle to claim their child as his own because the natal family wanted to establish their  kinship and take the child from him.

P ran away from an abusive home at the age of 18 to be able to live in her self identified gender identity and found home and support in a hijra gharana. At the age of 24 she suddenly died. Her family was informed and as soon as they came they took charge of the last rites for P. They dressed her in male clothes, cut her hair, and finally did her last rites as their son with the name they had given her. None of her large family of grieving hijras and other friends and activists could prevent this from happening.

It is evident from these examples that for many of us our natal families (by birth or adoption) may not really be the people we want to leave our property, earnings or loans to; we may not see them as taking over care functions in times of debility and disability; we may not see them as deciding for us at times of medical incapacity and so on. Instead we may want to appoint person/s who we think can take care of our material, medical and other needs during our lifetime and after death.

To help resolve these situations we suggest that there be some way by which people are legally able to announce the names of the persons who can take decisions for them or who they feel are better suited  to be called their “legal representatives” rather than the ones legally acquired through blood.

The “Legal Representatives” shall act on our behalf in life and death in matters related to:

  • Choice of profession
  • Choice of living arrangements
  • Choice of nominees
  • Choice of custody of minor children
  • Choice of heirs
  • End of life decisions

We request the Law Commission to issue guidelines for people to register their legal representatives through affidavits or other methods which are accessible and easy to execute with a standard format.

This option be made available to all those who are not in marriages recognised by law.

These are some preliminary suggestions from a few groups and individuals who have been working with and living such lives for many years now. We urge the Law Commission to seriously consider these lived realities and suggest changes in family laws to account for these lived realities. We also wish to impress upon the commission the need for very large consultations with many others across the country so that all citizens can avail of just laws related to family.

Thank you.

Chayanika Shah. LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
Minakshi Sanyal. Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
Maya Sharma. Sabrang, Vadodara
Rituparna Borah. Nazariya – Queer Feminist Resource Group, New Delhi
Rumi Harish. Alternative Law Forum, Bengaluru
Deepti Sharma, New Delhi
Jaya Sharma. New Delhi

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LBT and ally groups write to Standing Committee on Trans Bill 2016 Sat, 12 Nov 2016 01:23:02 +0000

Please click on the link [here] to view PDF version of the letter dated October 20, 2016, to the Standing Committee on the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016. The November 4, 2016, addendum to this letter based on a national consultation held on November 1, 2016, is linked [here]. Full text of the letter and addendum are also provided below:

Date: October 20th 2016

Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment Lok Sabha Secretariat
Parliament House
New Delhi

Subject: Suggestions on Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016 Respected Madam/ Sir,

We are writing to you in reference to the recent Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016 (and the subsequent call for recommendations by the Parliamentary Standing Committee), that has moved away from the NALSA judgement (2014), Private Member’s Bill by Tiruchi Siva (2014), and MSJE Bill (2015) to such an extent that we strongly believe that it will result in further discrimination and violence towards the transgender community.

While the NALSA judgement and the subsequent bills provided a ray of hope to the community, the current bill of 2016 has grossly undermined NALSA’S spirit and technicalities. Based on preliminary readings of the bill we would like to flag certain concerns. Going forward, we believe the aspects we are objecting to are non-negotiable and need to addressed and revised urgently. Additionally, consultations across the country are already under way. Hence, for a detailed analysis, we insist that the government allows us (activists, organisation and people from the community), a minimum period of 30 days in order to produce a cohesive list of objections to the bill.

Concerns and suggestions:
1. Definition: The definition takes away the right of a transgender person of self-identification and is instead based on a biological determinist argument and the hegemonic notions of gender binary. Private Member Bill of Tiruchi Siva in 2014 had a far more inclusive and gender-sensitive understanding of the transgender identity that has not been opposed till date. The bill defined a transgender person as “‘Transgender Person’ means a person, whose gender does not match with the gender assigned to that person at birth and includes trans-men and trans-women (whether or not they have undergone sex reassignment surgery or hormone therapy or laser therapy etc.), gender- queers and a number of socio-cultural identities such as — kinnars, hijras, aravanis, jogtas etc. A transgender person should have the option to choose either ‘man’, ‘woman’ or ‘transgender’ as well as have the right to choose any of the options independent of surgery/ hormones.” This definition was echoed in the MSJE Expert Committee Report. Such an understanding is absent from the current bill. It conflates the definition of transgender and persons with intersexed variations, who may or may not identify as transgender. This conflation is harmful for both groups. We reject this definition stated in the newly revised Bill.

2. Inclusion of Trans persons assigned gender female at birth: The transgender bill also lacks an explicit recognition of the trans persons who are assigned the female gender at birth. While the violence and struggles faced by trans persons assigned male at birth and those assigned female at birth are a result of class and caste-based heteropatriarchy, the visbility and mobilisation of the former is higher as compared to the latter, because of the cultural and historical recognition. The issues of trans persons assigned female at birth are also different and need to be addressed specifically by the bill as well.

3. Screening Process: The recent bill contains several contradictory statements. On the one hand it states that “A person recognised as transgender under sub-section (1) shall have a right to self-perceived gender identity”, on the other it demands that an individual make an application and go through an elaborate screening process that will determine whether the applicant is trans or not through a certificate. The bill clearly says that the certificate is needed to confer rights and also as proof of identity. This negates the very idea of self-identification of transgender persons. The idea of ‘trans’ is a vast spectrum that includes several identities within it. For instance, there are several individuals assigned male at birth who identify as ‘woman’ and not ‘trans’. Such a process pushes people to identify only as ‘trans’. Hence, the screening process violates a person’s dignity and denies the right to choose from the multiplicity within the gender spectrum that extends far beyond the limited definition mentioned in the recent bill. It is also likely to create gate keepers and power brokers within different levels. Furthermore, in case such a screening committee comes into force, there is no provision mentioned to challenge its decision. We strongly demand the scrapping of such a discriminatory screening committee that has been repeatedly included in the NALSA judgement and in subsequent bills.

4. Family: The bill upholds the institution of the family as a primary unit of support, which shows how negligent the bill has been towards the everyday realities and violences faced by trans persons within the family structure. The lack of awareness shown to the violence from families to those who transgress gender norms is evident from the clauses that keep underlying the forcible separation from the family. The insertion of a clause like clause 13(1) means that this will be used against those who may help young people get out of violent homes or families. Furthermore, Section 13 (3) states that if a family member is unable to take care of an individual, then he/she shall be sent to a rehabilitation centre. The use of the term rehabilitation itself reeks of a moralist position and moves away from a language of rights. We have seen violence and force that is being exerted on young persons asserting their choices around sexuality and choice of partners in the name of protection within the family. Here saying that all persons shall be rescued, protected and rehabilitated seems like a way to push people back into violent homes especially when they are dependant. “Rehabilitation” will also severely curb the freedom of expression and the freedom of movement of a trans person, and here the Bill contradicts itself again. The recent document refuses to recognise and acknowledge the importance of community structures, such as Gharanas or Hammams that have been established by the Hijra community and function as alternate family support systems. Nor does the Bill acknowledge adoptive families and families of choice by transgender persons.

5. Reservations: The MSJE Bill had a section on reservation in employment. It reads, “Those transgender persons who by birth do not belong to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe may be declared as Backward Class and be entitled to reservation under the existing ceiling of OBC category.” The recent bill does not declare transgender persons as Backward Class nor does it list any clear entitlements and takes away the promise in MSJE report of affirmative action in terms of reservations. Here we ask, what about those transgenders who belong to the SC/ST category? Will they receive additional benefits and protections? The bill does not clarify these details.

6. Implementation: Although the Bill lays out obligations of establishments and persons, there it does not lay out redressal mechanisms. There are no clear guidelines which mention competent authorities that transgender persons may turn to or ways to seek justice while facing discrimination.

7. Begging: The Bill criminalises begging which will leave the already vulnerable population that depends on begging and sex work with fewer means of livelihood. Defining begging as “forced or bonded labour” as mentioned in the Bill, reflects the prejudices against the trans community. The community is not seen as a space where people get support and affirmation. In the absence of any affirmative action, this kind of attack on spaces where there is affirmation is unacceptable. The bill seems like a direct attack on the hijra family system and the right of trans people. Hence the bill, rather than protecting the rights of transgender persons, ends up curtaining their rights and harming their lives. For the above reasons we (the below signed organisations and individuals) demand an extension in the sincere hope that a revised version will eventually lead to a more inclusive and just bill that fights violence, stigma and discrimination against the transgender community.



  1. Alternative Law Forum
  2. Astitva Trust – CBO
  3. Balaram Dey Street Ananadam
  4. CREA
  5. Equations – Karnataka
  6. Foram Foundation, Vadodara
  7. Good As You – Bangalore
  8. JEEVA NGO – Karnataka
  9. Karnataka Sexual Minority Forum, Karnataka
  10. Karnataka Transgender Samithi, Karnataka
  11. Kerala Network of Sexworkers, Kerala
  12. LABIA: A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  13. Lesbit- Bangalore
  14. Maharashtra Tritiya Panthi Sangatana -CBO
  15. Mara Media Collective – Bangalore
  16. MUSKAN, MSM and TG sex worker Sanghatana, Sangli
  17. The Naz Foundation (India) Trust
  18. Nazariya: A Queer Feminist Resource Group, Delhi
  19. Partners for Law in Development
  20. Payana – Community Managed and Run Organisation, Karnataka
  21. Peoples Union of Civil Liberties – Karnataka
  22. Queer Collective- TISS
  23. Samakami, Meghalaya
  24. Sanhati – Karnataka
  25. Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  26. Sarathya – Karnataka federation of Trans CBOs, Karnataka
  27. Stree Sangathan, Chhota Udaipur
  28. Swabhava Trust – Bangalore
  29. Swatanthra – NGO, Bangalore
  30. The Equals Centre for Promotion of Social Justice
  31. The Naz Foundation (India) Trust
  32. Vikalp (Women’s Group) – Subrung
  33. Xukia, Guwahati


  1. Mani
  2. Suneetha, Researcher, Hyderabad
  3. Abha Bhaiya – Feminist
  4. Aditi – Equations
  5. Aditya Prasad, Activist and Writer, Bangalore
  6. Advocate Mary Scaria
  7. Ajita
  8. Akansha, Mumbai
  9. Akhil Kang – Lawyer
  10. Akkai Padmashali – Transgender Rights Activist
  11. Amalina KD, queer feminist, Delhi
  12. Amba Salelkar – Advocate
  13. Angarika
  14. Ankur – Foram Foundation
  15. Annie
  16. Archana Dwivedi
  17. Arundhati Dhuru
  18. Ashwin Thomas – Researcher
  19. Astha
  20. Atharv S – Transgender Activist
  21. Aatreyee Sen – Forum for Human Rights and Justice – Himachal Pradesh
  22. Balaram Dey Street Ananadam
  23. Bhuvana Balaji – Researcher
  24. Bindu Doddahatti – Advocate
  25. Chandini – Transgender Rights Activist
  26. Charupriyan – Transman
  27. Darshana Mitra – Advocate
  28. Deepan Kannan
  29. Deeptha Rao – Advocate
  30. Dipakanta Mitra – Activist
  31. AK Jayashree – Professor, Community Medicine,Academy of Medical Sciences – Kannur
  32. Sylvia Karpagam – Public Health Doctor
  33. Ekta Mittal
  34. Gautam Bhan
  35. Gowthaman Ranganathan – Advocate
  36. Gurukiran Kamath – Acivist
  37. Ishani Cordeiro – Women’s Rights Lawyer
  38. Jaya Sagade
  39. Kalpalatha – Teacher – Hyderabad
  40. Kamayani Bali Mahabal, feminist and human rights activist
  41. Kanaka Murthy – Sculptor Bangalore
  42. Kavita – Activist
  43. Kavita Krishnan – Secretary AIPWA
  44. Kiran Shaheen
  45. Kishore Govinda – Scientist St Johns Research Institute
  46. L Ramakrishnan
  47. Lata Singh
  48. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi – Transgender Activist
  49. Lekha Adavi – Activist
  50. Mallu – Transgender Rights Activist
  51. Manish Gautam – Project Assistant IISc
  52. Meena Saraswati Seshu, Sangram, Sangli.
  53. Meet Tara Dnyaneshwar, Mumbai
  54. Midhun – Transman
  55. Moulee, Chennai
  56. K. Ramalingeshwarara Rao,Manager, -WINS, Tirupati
  57. Mridul Dudeja, Transman and activist
  58. R. Meera, Founder Secretary – WOMEN’S INITIATIVES (WINS), Tirupati
  59. N Jayaram – Journalist Bangalore
  60. Narayana Murthy
  61. Neha Gupta, Communications Officer
  62. Niruj Mohan – Astronomer
  63. Noor Enayat, New Delhi
  64. OP Ravindran – Dalit Rights Activists
  65. Padma Deosthali, CEHAT
  66. Pawan Dhall – Queer Activist
  67. Pushpa Achanta- (WSS-Karnataka)
  68. Rachana Johri AUD
  69. Radhika Raj – Researcher
  70. Rajeshwari – Transgender Rights Activist
  71. Rakshita – Transgender Rights Activist
  72. Ranjitha – Transgender Rights Activist
  73. Rekha Raj – Dalit Feminist
  74. Richa Minocha – Jan Abhiyan Sanstha, Himachal Pradesh
  75. Ritambhara Mehta
  76. SapAna Mhatre – GenderQueer Person
  77. Saptak Narula – Mathematician – Delhi
  78. Savitha – Transgender Rights Activist
  79. Seema Srivastava
  80. Shakun Doundiyakhed – Womens Rights Activist
  81. Shals Mahajan, Writer, Mumbai
  82. Shambhavi Madhan – Queer Feminist
  83. Shravanti Dasari – Researcher
  84. Shreekanth Kannan – Transman
  85. Shruti Arora
  86. Siddarth Narrain
  87. Sonu Niranjan – Transman and Activist – Bangalore
  88. Soumyashree Bharghava – Transgender Rights Activist
  89. Suma – Transgender Rights Activist
  90. Sumathi
  91. Sumitra – Actor and Transgender Rights Activist
  92. Sunil
  93. Sunil Gupta – Artist
  94. Swati Sheshadri – Activist
  95. Tanmay, Jan Jagran Shakti Sangathan, Bihar
  96. Tanushree – Transgender Rights Activist
  97. Uma (Umesh.P) Individual, Transgender Rights Activist, Bangalore
  98. Uma V Chandru – WSS
  99. Umesh P – Activist
  100. Vani Subramanium
  101. Veena Shivalingaiah – Transgender Rights Activist and Politician
  102. Vinay Chandran – Counselor – Sahaya Helpline
  103. Vinay Sreenivasa – Member Bruhat Bengaluru Beedi Vyaparigala Sanghatanegala Okkoota
  104. Virginia Saldanha – Activist, Mumbai
  105. Yogesh – MPhil Scholar



Date: November 4th, 2016

Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment
Lok Sabha Secretariat
Parliament House
New Delhi

Subject: Addendum to Letter “Suggestions on Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016”

Addendum to Letter from LBT groups, individuals, and allies to the Standing Committee of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

We are writing in continuation to our letter dated October 20th (Subject: ‘Suggestions on Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill, 2016’). We the undersigned met on November 1st to discuss and examine the bill with groups and individuals across the country. On looking at the bill more closely, we are confirmed in our opinion that this bill needs to be redrafted after a process of extensive deliberation and in depth consultations with the transgender and intersex communities before it can be considered as sufficiently addressing the needs of the communities it is intended to benefit. We say this for the following reasons:

  1. Regarding the begging clause: The begging clause in the 2016 Bill is highly discriminatory and criminalizes persons who are already vulnerable. We cannot accept such provisions.
  1. Process of arriving at the language and content of the bill: The Private Member’s Bill of 2014 contained clauses and language that came very close to meeting the needs of the community, but the government did not pass it to the Lok Sabha, saying that it was in the process of drafting a separate bill along similar lines. The MSJE Bill of 2015 reflected the content of the 2014 bill and called for responses from stakeholders. Recommendations were accordingly sent in by transgender and intersex individuals, groups, and organizations as well as allies. We see none of these recommendations reflected in the revised bill of 2016. Conversely, the clauses that were originally contained in the 2014 and 2015 bills, and should have been retained, have also been removed.
  1. Definition of Transgender in the Bill: NALSA, Private Member 2014, and MSJE 2015 maintained a consistency of definition for transgender persons, while the 2016 Bill is completely different from these documents and the definition it uses does not align with our identities and lived realities. There is also no explicit mention of transgender and gender non-conforming persons who were assigned gender female at birth. A nuanced understanding of gender identity needs to be the crux of the bill.
  1. Conflation of Transgender with Intersex: In 2015, the bill was framed as the “Rights of Transgender Persons” and there was no conflation between the understanding of the terms “transgender” and “intersex.” We find that both these identities have been clumped together in the 2016 Bill without a clear understanding of each separately.
  1. Naming of the bill: We further recommend a renaming of this bill to “The Intersex and Transgender Rights Bill.” While doing this, the Bill should clearly give two separate definitions, one for transgender persons and one for persons with intersex variations, and in each clause of the bill, there should be an understanding of how that particular clause affects different communities of transgender persons and persons with intersex variations.
  1. Regarding persons with intersex variations: In addition, there should be a separate chapter on persons with intersex variations, which none of the previous bills have. In particular, there is urgent need to make sure that so-called corrective surgeries and corrective procedures by medical doctors on intersex infants/children are not allowed by law. The other issues related to persons with intersex persons and communities have to be understood through face-to-face consultations so that their concerns are included in this bill.
  1. Regarding the provision for a screening committee: The NALSA judgement underlined the need for self-identification. A screening committee should not be required for self-determination of gender identity, which is a basic right of every citizen. Validity of this self-identification is also required for redressal of violation of rights accorded by this law. The notion of self-identification should be retained in the bill.
  1. Regarding legal documentation processes: The process to assert one’s self identification via documents and identity cards should be simple, uniform across country, and as accessible as possible. We find different states are instituting different processes and people are currently finding it very hard to navigate these systems. It is necessary to make the procedures accessible in remote parts of the country, and also for people who have limited resources.
  1. Affirmative Action for access to education, employment, and other benefits: We definitely think that there is a need for affirmative action in terms of special schemes and reservations for access to education, social security, employment, pension, and other such benefits for transgender persons and persons with intersex variations. Many of these have been spelt out in the MSJE Expert Committee report of 2014 and were reflected in the Private Member’s Bill of 2014. We insist that these be spelt out in greater detail in the 2016 Bill.
  1. Special status as OBC, Socially Backward Classes (SBC) / Economically Backward Classes (EBC): SBC/EBC status has been spoken about in the NALSA judgement, the MSJE Expert Committee report, and in the Private Member’s Bill of 2014 and, yet, is absent in the 2016 Bill. Since the transgender community is diverse, there have to be clear rules laid out for who is eligible for these schemes and the process of screening for access to these. It is imperative that these decisions are made in complete consultation with the transgender and intersex communities.
  1. Dalit transpersons: The bill does not address the particular case of Dalit transgender persons. Will they receive additional benefits and protections as they are multiply marginalized? How would these benefits be categorized? It needs to be clarified in consultation with the Dalit transgender community as the main stakeholders.
  1. Transgender / gender-nonconforming children: The 2014 and 2015 Bill did address some specific issues of transgender/gender non-conforming children. However, in the 2016 Bill, there is absolutely no recognition of the special needs of these children. For example, there is ample evidence of the violence from natal families and the pressures put on the transgender/gender-nonconforming child to conform to the gender they are assigned at birth. There needs to be serious thought and discussion on the measures that need to be taken to address these situations, and to ensure violence free environments for all children.
  1. Clause regarding the natal family: Further, this bill criminalizes the adult transgender person and makes it compulsory for them to stay with their natal family; any outside support to escape from violence perpetrated by the natal family is, in effect, being penalized. This same natal family later becomes the social and financial responsibility of the trans person and stands to inherit their property in the event of their death despite the lack of support for the person’s own needs. The transgender person’s chosen family is delegitimized and not given space or protection. There is also no recognition of adoption, custody of children from prior marriages, or partnership rights and of Hijra families/gharanas, which are presently a source of support and care for many transgender persons.
  2. Violence: Specific targeted violence is perpetrated against transgender persons and persons with intersex variations by a variety of actors and institutions, including the natal family and the state. There is no mention of this violence, or how it will be addressed. Targeted violence can take multiple forms – verbal, emotional, physical and sexual. The bill needs to explicitly recognize that sexual violence in such contexts is highly prevalent and is part of this targeted violence and hence needs to be included in any clauses on violence and discrimination.
  1. Implementation Committee: The Tiruchi Siva Bill speaks of a National Commission for Transpersons, which is responsible to make policies and laws, as well as investigate complaints. This commission should be decentralized to ensure there is balanced representation as well as reflection of regional concerns. It should have adequate representation from within various trans and intersex communities. As the Tiruchi Siva Bill states, this committee should be instrumental in both creating and implementing policies.

For all the above reasons and the ones that we have stated earlier in our earlier letter (also attached), this bill cannot be passed in this form under any circumstances. We insist that the standing committee conduct face-to-face meetings with stakeholders spread over all regions of the country to fully understand the shortcomings of the proposed bill. For now, we urge the standing committee to send the bill in its current form back to the drafting board.



  1. CREA, Delhi
  2. Critical Action – Centre in Movement (CACIM)
  3. LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  4. LesBiT, Bengaluru
  5. MARG, Delhi
  6. Nazariya: A Queer Feminist Resource Group, Delhi
  7. Nirangal, Chennai
  8. Pratyay Gender Trust, Kolkata
  9. Sahayatrika, Kerala
  10. Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  11. Vikalp Women’s Group, Vadodara
  12. XUKIA, Guwahati


  1. Aahana Mekhal, Sahayatrika, Kerala
  2. Aarav Singh, CACIM, Delhi
  3. Abhisikta, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  4. Akanksha, Mumbai
  5. Amalina KD, Delhi
  6. Anindya Hajra, Pratyay Gender Trust, Kolkata
  7. Aryan Pasha, MARG
  8. Asha Achuthan, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai/ Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  9. Astha, Bangalore
  10. Avimannyu, Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  11. Barsa, Kerala
  12. Brandt D’Mello, Mumbai
  13. Chayanika Shah, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  14. Chinju Ashwathi, Sahayatrika, Kerala
  15. Christy Raj, Bangalore
  16. Deepa Vasidevan, Kerala/Goa
  17. Ditilekha, Xukia, Guwahati
  18. Ketki Ranade, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  19. Kiran, Solidarity Foundation Bangalore Fellow, Bangalore
  20. Malobika, Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  21. Maya Sharma, Vikalp Women’s Group, Vadodara
  22. Pramada Menon, Delhi
  23. Poushali, Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  24. Provat, Sappho, Kolkata
  25. Pushpa Azad, CACIM, Delhi
  26. Raj Merchant, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  27. Ritambhara, CACIM, Delhi
  28. Rituparna Borah, CACIM, Delhi
  29. Selvam M, Nirangal, Chennai
  30. Shambhavi Madhan, CREA, Delhi
  31. Sho, Jan Jagran Shakti Sangathan, Bihar/LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  32. Shruti, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  33. Smriti Nevatia, LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai
  34. Sonu Niranjan, Bangalore
  35. Sumathi N, Bangalore
  36. Sunil Mohan, Bangalore
  37. Sunita Kujur, CREA, Delhi
  38. Sutanuka, Sappho for Equality, Kolkata
  39. Svati Shah, Delhi
  40. Tanmay, Jan Jagran Shakti Sangathan, Bihar/LABIA – A Queer Feminist LBT Collective, Mumbai



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