Auditions for Bahuchara Mata (queer/trans) play in Chennai and Bangalore
LGBT people in Chennai and Bangalore are invited to audition in August 2013 for the queer/trans-themed Indo-Korean play Bahuchara Mata.
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
LGBT people in Chennai and Bangalore are invited to audition in August 2013 for the queer/trans-themed Indo-Korean play Bahuchara Mata.
Raise your hands and clap today Friends, fellow queers, comrades, Let us raise our hands and clap today like we…
Inspired by Renee Lupica’s brilliant ‘Six Fairy Tales for the Modern Woman’, Orinam invites you to add your stories in the form of a comment to this tale.
6 things straight cousins can do to support their queer cousins
L.Ramakrishnan and Vijay Mogli respond to Dean William’s Biphobic and Transphobic piece on Hyderabad Pride
Hyderabad celebrated its first Queer Pride on February 3, 2013. Some photographs, courtesy Smruthi Narayan, and to links to coverage from TV and print media.
I lived in Chennai, India, for 23 years. I’ve never been in the closet. Well, not really. I’ve always been butch — short hair, boys’ clothes, a gentleman’s manner, and of course, a way with the ladies. But in India, not being in the closet doesn’t necessarily mean being out of it.
Tamil translation of Hillary Clinton’s historic speech on LGBT rights
Orinam’s Quilt, the reading group of Orinam, will meet at Zha Cafe, Adyar, on Dec 30, 2012. Bring your favorite queer-themed fiction/non-fiction/poem and share with the group.
I ask not for the sun or the moon, A dutiful son will not deny a mother her boon