The many transings of my gender
Poetry by Abigail Silversmith Irfan
Hues may vary but humanity does not | வண்ணங்கள் வேற்றுமைப் பட்டால் – அதில் மானுடர் வேற்றுமை இல்லை
Poetry by Abigail Silversmith Irfan
This report is about the families that are assigned to us and those that often are the biggest road blocks to being able to live the way we want to. The families that are supposed to be spaces of nurture, care and support, turn against their own children (often at very young ages), treat them with utter disregard and violence, and force them to conform to socially accepted ideas of what is “normal” without any regard to the individual’s dignity or personhood.
Some coping tips from community members, peer counselors and therapists
for LGBTIQA+ folks staying home in isolation and/or in abusive family situations
Barriers transgender people face in accessing basic healthcare and gender-affirmative interventions. TransForm conference, Dec 2016, CLPR, Bangalore
Legal scholar in Bengaluru seeks participants for a study on the impact of laws relating to queer/trans couples from India
By defining particular categories and particular forms of embodiment, rights are conceptualised legally to exclude many trans* bodies and lives, as illustrated by cases in Malaysia and India.
Orinam looks at Justice Nagamuthu’s Madras High Court ruling on April 17, 2014, and its implications for intersex people and transmen.
Expression of Interest and Application form for Sampoorna Trans Masculine, Intersex and Intergender Meet, 2014
LGBT people in Chennai and Bangalore are invited to audition in August 2013 for the queer/trans-themed Indo-Korean play Bahuchara Mata.