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  1. What a moving story! I wish you the very best. I hope your parents, for whom you do seem to care deeply, understand you better and embrace their child fully, very soon.


    1. Hello Brenda, I wish I would have gone and met your parents when I was in Chennai and that issue of hospital admission of your father happened. Atleast they would have known that similar persons like Brenda exist on earth and their child is not the only one.

      1. thanks sameera, you willingness really helped me to get through the whole ordeal. It ended up being a fake alarm but in the due time period of writing this and publishing another whole surreal events have proceeded.

  2. Wow! This made me cry. What a moving story! Thanks for sharing Brenda. Hope your parents come around to accept you for who you are. Hugs!

    A great and mature piece of writing, by the way. Please write more often.

  3. Very moving Brenda! The messy Neither-here-neither-there relationships that we tend to have with our parents, is like a permanent wound in a vital organ that we cannot do without. I hope your/our patience pays off! Hugs

  4. Beautiful, Brenda. It was really moving, and very elegantly constructed, moving between the bathtub and the memory of the phone conversation. Sending good wishes your way

  5. “A scenario in which they had totally rejected a particular important and defining aspect of me, and cultivated a false sense of security that I would be the same person that they perceived me to be.”

    I can so totally relate with all that. Parents going into limbo and praying for a cure. Not wanting to educate themselves…. Facing the same problems as a gay guy. You have our love Brenda. Stay strong.