Section 377 Blog
From the 377 Blog
Dr. Gurvinder Kalra on Coming Out post-377
Psychiatrist Gurvinder Kalra from Mumbai provides guidance to fellow psychiatrists in India on how they should support a client who is lesbian, gay, bi or trans*. His article in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry is downloadable here.
Thanking Anjali
It is absolutely fantastic to see Anjali Gopalan on this year’s Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People list, says Vikram
Supreme Court hearings on Naz: Mar 13-14-15, 2012
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
Supreme Court hearings on Naz: Feb 29 2012
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
Supreme Court hearings on Naz: Feb 28 2012
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case. Detailed report of Feb 28th hearing.
Urgent: Information required for 377 Case – Data or Studies on LGBT People in India
Do you know of any published/quickly publishable data or research on Indian LGBT community? People involved with the 377 case need your help. Please spread the word.
Supreme Court hearings on Naz: Feb 28, 29 and Mar 1, 2012
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case. Opponents’ arguments have concluded and arguments from our side (against 377) has started.
Supreme Court hearings on Naz: Feb 23 2012
Vikram’s updates on Supreme Court hearings on the Naz Foundation case
From 2008: Prime Minister’s Statement on Homosexuality
Vikram reports about an event in 2008 where the Prime Minister of India, stated the need to support groups like homosexuals against social prejudice.