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  1. This is terrible – I had no idea it was this bad. The worst part is that this means it’s the people who need mental healthcare most who are being denied it. Stigma and oppression of any kind can in itself be a source of mental health issues, or exacerbate existing ones. When all your natural thoughts and feelings are continually termed “crazy”, that itself can drive you crazy (not to mention the stigma of “craziness” itself). That’s gaslighting, and it really sucks that the very people you’d turn to for help dealing with that would do it to you.

    1. Rightly said, Prachi. It’s worse than plain denial actually because they are welcomed into the comfortable zone that therapy provides and than bashed and barred from it out of nowhere. The toll it takes is heavier than anything. You’re right about ableism too. It continues to rattle in communities wearing the cloak of normalcy and is probably one of the most difficult things to tackle and stop because, practically everyone is saying these slurs like it’s nothing and it is just adding to the whole bigotry we’re trying to eradicate..